In this production of Hamlet I’m going to play Hamlet and I’m going to do all the soliloquies and it will be really good. Nicole and Ela will play most of the other characters but I will also play some of the other characters because I’m really good at playing lots of characters. There will also be some singing and dancing and even if you don’t like Shakespeare you will like this because we make it really clear and really good. Please come because we’ve been rehearsing for ages and it’s going to be really really good.
P.S. I told Nicole and Ela that the audience will pick who plays Hamlet but nobody will want them to play Hamlet because I’m way better at playing him.
June 27th 2017
Ackerstadt Palast | Berlin
Further Shows:
June 28th 2017
Ackerstadt Palast | Berlin
November 17th - 19th 2017
TATWERK | Berlin