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Try-out »Chat-Inferno«

  • Interrobang
  • June 29th 2022
  • TATWERK | Berlin

Interrobang is looking for TEST AUDIENCE for its new participatory performance

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Try-out »Chat-Inferno« © Interrobang

The hybrid performance CHAT-INFERNO explores the communication form of chat including its emotionalizing and socially explosive forces. An analog audience moves through a room installation - inspired by Dante's Commedia - with smartphones and headphones and can chat with each other. The chat texts appear via beamer on projection screens in the room. A parallel online audience can also join the performance via chat. Together, the participants descend into the digital pit of flatterers and the swamp of angry souls.
Interrobang has been developing participatory performance formats for many years. In the course of our rehearsal phases, we hold several tryouts with test audiences.

A well-charged smartphone with headphones is required to participate. In addition, the Firefox browser should be installed beforehand.


June 29th 2022 | 4 pm




Interrobang develops new performative formats to examine current socio-political issues, phenomena and questions. For this they create unusual, often installative theatre spaces as well as participatory immersive game settings, in which the audience can test and experience new scenic models of communication – like, for example, in spaces based on a language laboratory or a call centre. In this way, playing with a theatrical community becomes a play with actual and possible future societal forms and value systems.