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  • spreeagenten
  • 30.9. - 3.10.2021
  • Theater im Delphi | Berlin

The wheels of the Auschwitz extermination machinery turn - accompanied by orchestral music. Making music on command, musical forced labor. Women between the ages of 16 and 40 see unimaginable horror and have to play to it.

Mädchenorchester © Ulrich Kochinke

The music fulfills functions: It is an expression of the power of the National Socialists, it coordinates and rhythms work, it calms and torments, it serves to entertain and relax the SS officers. The women have to function, they play for their own lives.

If we don't play well, we will go into the gas.

Alma Rosé, 2nd conductor of the Girls Orchestra

The contemporary music theater of the spreeagenten is dedicated to the memories of contemporary witnesses who were members of the women's orchestra of Auschwitz. A cross-border dialogue is created between text and music; classical repertoire and electronic new composition; between past and present; contemporary witnesses, ensemble and audience on the questions »How can one survive?« and »What does my art mean to me?«

We were shaking and crying, tears were running down our faces. You couldn't help the people, you knew they were going to the gas and you had to stand there and play.

Esther Bejarano

A group of young performers and orchestra musicians form the ensemble together with professionals from the fields of acting and singing. They become the sounding body of the musicians' memories of Auschwitz and their individual personal and artistic processing beyond the end of the Second World War.

You can't pollute music. Music is untouchable, that is the wonderful thing, that is the power of music.

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch

A production of spreeagenten in cooperation with the Ernst-Haeckel-Schule Berlin-Hellersdorf, the Youth Orchestra of the Schostakowitsch-Musikschule Berlin-Lichtenberg, the Jugendkammerorchester Berlin e.V., TATWERK | Performative Forschung and the Heimathafen Neukölln.
Supported by the HAUPTSTADTKULTURFONDS and with funds from the Berlin Project Fund for Cultural Education.
We would like to thank the "Verein der Bundestagsfraktion DIE LINKE e.V." for financial support, the State Museum and Memorial Auschwitz-Birkenau and Theaterhaus Mitte.

Media partner is taz. die tageszeitung.

A production of the spreeagenten in cooperation with the Ernst-Haeckel- Schule Berlin-Hellersdorf, the Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium Berlin-Biesdorf, the JungenKammerEnsemble der Schostakowitsch-Musikschule Berlin- Lichtenberg, the Jugendkammerorchester Berlin e. V., TATWERK | Performative Forschung and the Theater im Delphi.
Funded within the framework of the re-recording support of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
With the kind support of Theaterhaus Mitte and Noisy Store.
Media partner is taz. die tageszeitung.

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Video »Mädchenorchester«
Trailer »Mädchenorchester«


29th August 2019
Heimathafen Neukölln | Berlin

Further shows:
30th August 2019
19th - 20th September 2019
Heimathafen Neukölln | Berlin

14th November 2019
Oświęcim | Auschwitz

September 30th - October 3rd  2021 | 8 pm
Theater im Delphi | Tickets


Acting: Sonja Kessner, Lena Noske
Soprano: Anna Langner / Reopening 2021: Jasmina Toh
Young Ensemble: Lea Böhm, Elli (Liam) Drews, Mounir El-mohamad, Denise Priegnitz, Emelie Stein, Rudi Stein, Jardel Tibusseck / Reopening 2021: Lea Böhm, Marika Kiehne, Vivien Rüdiger, Charlotte Schulze, Emelie Stein, Coco Vasel
Orchestra: Josephin Berger, Cornelius Bernitzky, Gabriela van Dijk, Jonas Fink, Yves Hachenberger, Anne Hänisch, Luise Homann, Sophie Irmer, Hanna Ittner, Rebecca Meisel, Sophie Oberschmidt , Leon Pester, Adrian Petersen, Lukas Postulka, Tobias Ronneberg, Florian Schumann, Birte Tröger, Emeli Tröger, Therese Wegerich, Nele Wolf, Olga Yanchuk / Reopening 2021: Marisa Bayer, Flöte | Sophie Irmer, Oboe | Anne Hänisch, Klarinette | Nele Wolf, Fagott | Cornelius Bernitzky, Horn | Gabriela van Dijk, 1. Geige | Rebecca Meisel, 1. Geige | Florian Schumann, 1. Geige | Luise Homann, 2. Geige | Birte Tröger, 2. Geige | Therese Wegerich, 2. Geige | Emeli Tröger, Bratsche | Tobias Ronneberg, Cello | Hanna Ittner, Cello | Jonas Fink, Bass | Sophie Oberschmidt, Akkordeon | Leon Pester, Pauke/Schlagwerk | Daniela Lunelli aka Munsha, Live-Elektronik
Concept, text, direction: Susanne Chrudina
Composition, musical direction: Munsha
Orchestra direction: Till Schwabenbauer
Set design: Stefan Oppenländer
Dramaturgy: Sabine Salzmann
Production management: Chris Wohlrab
Assistant director: Lena Noske
Musicological assistance, conducting: Gabriela van Dijk
Pedagogical support: Jördis Gierig
Press and public relations: Nora Gores
Film documentation: Branka Pavlović
Graphics: Ulrich Kochinke
Sound engenieering: Utku Tavil
Internship Technics: Tjark Lasch


The spreeagenten, founded in 2007, are a group of artists based in Berlin who realize theater projects and performances in Germany and also abroad (e.g. Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia). They seek international, intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue. The spreeagenten often develop productions for non-theater locations or site-specific projects. One focus is on research-based productions and forms of documentary theater. Many productions are developed as plays or commissioned from authors. International ensembles and cooperation with international artists and partners are part of many productions. However, amateur ensembles are also formed, or professional and non-professional actors are brought together on stage.

TATWERK Video Blog

  • Between Us 2021

    Between Us 2021

  • Stripped Works / 1

    Stripped Works / 1

  • Stripped Works / 2

    Stripped Works / 2

  • Stripped Works / 3

    Stripped Works / 3

  • Possible Memories / 16

    Possible Memories | 16

  • Possible Memories / 15

    Possible Memories | 15

  • Somehow standing

    Somehow standing

  • Queens / Rising

    Queens / Rising

  • Die Erfindung des Eigenheims

    Die Erfindung des Eigenheims

  • mixed_me - EinMenschShow

    mixed_me - EinMenschShow

  • Intime Fremde

    Intime Fremde

... and there is even more on