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Der Kurras-Komplex

  • Historikerlabor e.V.
  • 22.9. - 3.10.2023
  • Shakespeareplatz (Charlottenburg)

A performative live-audio-walk on Benno Ohnesorg, street protest and state violence

Der Kurras-Komplex © Alex Bex

During a demonstration in West Berlin on June 2, 1967, police officer Karl-Heinz Kurras killed the student Benno Ohnesorg with a shot to the head. The performative live audio walk "The Kurras Complex" traces the original sites of the event that shook the cornerstones of the Federal Republic. During the immersive tour, participants are transported via headphones into the atmosphere of the political instability of the time. Near the Deutsche Oper Berlin, fragments from historical documents on Ohnesorg's death are heard. Two historians comment on the dialogues brought to life by the actors: they provide an incentive to think about the causes of protest, radicalization and state violence. We sense a clash of generations, in a field of tension between old and new order.


DER KURRAS-KOMPLEX is a production of Historikerlabor e.V. and is presented by TATWERK | Performative Forschung. The project is part of the initiative DRAUSSENSTADT, funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and the Foundation for Cultural Education and Cultural Consulting. Media partner is taz - die tageszeitung.

Further informations (in German): www.kurraskomplex.de


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Video »Der Kurras-Komplex«
Trailer »Der Kurras-Komplex«


22 September 2023 | 5 p.m.
23 September 2023 | 2 and 5 p.m.
24 September 2023 | 2 and 5 p.m.
29 September 2023 | 5 p.m.
1 October 2023 | 5 p.m.
2 October 2023 | 5 p.m.
3 October 2023 | 2 and 5 p.m.

Meeting point: Shakespeareplatz, 10627 Berlin (U  Deutsche Oper)

In German.
Performance duration approx. 70 minutes.
Admission: 30 minutes before the performance
Free admission: Participation in the audio walks is free of charge as part of the DRAUSSENSTADT initiative.
The number of places is limited, ticket reservation is mandatory!

For the performances on Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., free childcare will be provided for children ages 5 and up at a nearby playground. Registration:
On September 24, the 2 p.m. performance will feature live audio description. Registration:

Following the performance on 23 September at 5 p.m.: Audience discussion as part of the program of Theaterscoutings Berlin.

The performances will be followed by discussions with contemporary witnesses, historians and police experts, such as Elisabeth Schmidt,(contemporary witness and former member of the PDS state parliament), Meinhard Schröder, (contemporary witness ) ,Christiane Howe (sociologist) , and Beate Niemann, contemporary witness and member of Historikerlabor e.V. Detailed information on the program: www.kurraskomplex.de/nachgespräche

For the Live-Audio-Walk we provide the audience with suitable headphones with the option of individual volume control.
During the performance a distance of approx. 800m is covered. The individual sections are a maximum of 200m long. There are not always seats at the individual stations. If you have special needs, please contact us at .
The event is suitable for wheelchair users. A disability-friendly toilet can be used in the restaurant of the Deutsche Oper.


Direction, concept and dramaturgy: Simon Köslich
By and with: Naomi Koch, Frederic Lenz, Till Krüger and Florens Schmidt as well as the voice of Janine Kress
Research: Naomi Koch, Frederic Lenz, Beate Niemann
Music: Florian Malicke
Assistant director: Aurora Kellermann
Sound engineering: Lola Tseytlin, Tamara Bokolishvili (Soundsysters)
Production management Sonja Bisgiel
Press and public relations: Tom Müller-Heuser and Sandra Ellegiers
Audio description: Charlotte Miggel, Johanna Krins
Photography: Alex Bex
Graphics: Timo Grimberg / arc-gestaltung.de


The Historikerlabor has existed since 2013 and is an interdisciplinary association of humanities scholars, social scientists and artists. On the basis of contemporary historical research methods, historical content and players - people taking action - are made tangible on stage. The research of sources and protagonists in their life and work milieus becomes a montage of protocols, notes, letters, memories and comments of the historians in the projects of the laboratory. The examination of history takes place before the eyes of the audience. Facts and contexts can be experienced sensually in the amalgam of historical analysis and artistic presentation.

Simon Köslich is a director, actor and speaker. In Girolamini - Der Fall der Bücher (Girolamini - The Case of the Books), he brought his research on an Italian art forger to the stage at Lettrétage Berlin. With choreographer Laura Witzleben, he produced the biographical-choreographic project Zweisamkeiten at Culterim Luftschutzbunker Charlottenburg in 2022 as a joint director. Together with Historikerlabor e.V., Mayako Kubo and Ilka Seifert he realized a performative city walk in Siemensstadt and the concert performance "John Rabe - Endstation Siemensstadt". In 2019, Simon initiated a spoken word choir for the anniversary of Benno Ohnesorg's death. This project is now being continued together with the Historikerlabor e.V.