Those who can't cope live in the mode of cultural critique. Being sad is the term for justified exhaustion in a neoliberal order in which we have to fight against ourselves and each other by permanently showing how much we make out of our lives. Celebrating damage and not getting along could be the necessary paradoxical emancipatory practice against us self-optimized performance subjects and the hidden epidemic of attachment and love trauma. The wound as lived cultural-critical communication. But how can this be lived? And think it first?
For this purpose, we offer three formats over two days, but they can be attended individually, i.e. independently of each other.
Seminar and lecture negotiate one topic per episode, the evening menu does not relate to the topic of the seminar or lecture.
Please register for the seminar and evening menu, as the number of participants is limited;
- Lecture without pre-registration.Seminar: exchange on a topic in a small group - active-passive participation
- Lecture: Expterts, knowledge, from the front, directed, for listening
- Evening meal: Being together, undirected, not-knowing
Seminar & Lecture
paradoxes. think. practice.
In the short seminar and lecture series, Malte Schlösser, Thomas Giger and Christoph M. Hamann invite teamers and you interested people to practice understanding why it is not our fault that life does not succeed, which ideas dominate us why and how we can escape the pull of the powers somewhat.
In the short seminar we want to practice an-reflecting and an-discussing social conditions, discourses and lifeworlds with the help of an external expert and listen to a lecture in the evening. In this way, we deepen the dialogue of topics negotiated in the theater world with theoretical and possibly also personal reflection.
For the seminar, the person we invite gives a reading recommendation in advance and designs the 4 hours seminar.
Information about the upcoming episodes:
12th December 2019 | 14:30 - 18:30 pm
Seminar with Christoph May
12th December 2019 | 20 pm
Lecture "I am special!" (The Boys)
Lecture about the male longing for superpowers
with Christoph May
13th December 2019 | 19 - 22 pm
the fragile suppers
non-artistic art practice with vegetables
(without theme, undirected)
TATWERK | Berlin