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Fighting 4 Fear

  • Kirsch/Bühring/Bordieri
  • June 15th2024
  • TATWERK | Berlin

In this multimedia performance, two female artists and two young female kickboxers examine the relationship between female fear and patriarchal dominance culture and test martial arts as a means of transforming fear into strength.

One person on the left side of the picture is wearing boxing gloves and holding up his guard. The other person on the right side of the picture is doing a high kick towards his head. The background is one color. The picture is taken from the worm’s eye view. © Sofia Maria Bergmann

Fighting 4 Fear is a multimedia performance about fear, mental strength and young female perspectives in martial arts. Based on research into the relationship between female fear and patriarchal dominance culture, martial arts is explored as a means of transforming fear into strength. Martial arts training is a terrain in which the rules are clear and a sub-story is told, seemingly independent of the narratives of society as a whole. Is it possible, in such a historically male-dominated place that does not provide for archetypal stories about women*, to tell oneself as a woman* in a new way and detached from a binary concept of gender? In collaboration with dramaturge Enrico Bordieri, Milena Bühring and Klara Kirsch will share their stage with Aylin Telli and Paulina Karan, two underage martial arts experts. The performative realization is based on lists of concrete actions that a fighter has to go through during fight preparation: Prat training, discussing tactics, choosing a warm-up song, massaging the neck, sweating and weighing in. At the end, there is always the all-important question: will the fight happen? Between the gym, TikTok, academic feminism and the reality of life for migrant teenage girls, the team struggles to find a way of dealing with fear that can withstand the ambivalence between fantasy, desire and real threat.

Funded by Einstiegsförderung Berlin Senate
Coproduced by TATWERK Berlin


Open rehearsal: June 15th 2024 | 7 pm
TATWERK | Performative Forschung
Wir bitten um Reservierung:

Premiere: June 27th 2024 | 8 pm
Further shows: June 28th - 29th 2024 | 8 pm
Ballhaus Ost
Tickets on site, by phone or online.


Performers: Milena Bühring, Paulina Karam, Klara Kirsch, Aylin Telli
Dramaturgy: Enrico Bordieri
Direction: Klara Kirsch, Milena Bühring, Enrico Bordieri
Stage, Costume: Louis Caspar Schmitt


Enrico Bordieri studied dramaturgy, literature, and philosophy in Rome, Edinburgh, Berlin, and Leipzig. He moves fluently between the fields of theater, performance research, and scenic material development.

Milena Bühring (1994 in Berlin) completed her master's degree at the UdK Berlin in 2022. Since then she has been working as a freelance artist and performer. Her artistic work deals with gender-specific desire, feminist theory, and human contradictions.

Klara Kirsch completed her studies in Fine Arts at the UdK Berlin in 2022 as a master's student in the class for performance and time-based media. In her work, she uses the appropriation of pop-cultural aesthetics as a strategy for deconstructing the mechanisms of (post-)capitalist systems.